The Valdovines project has been a special challenge for us, not only because it is a personal brand that must contain and show part of the personal character, but also because it is made up of several layers on the tastes and hobbies of the client and, in turn, of the public. to whom the project is directed.

One of the main inspirations for the concept of the graphic line has been the passion for baseball, which makes a perfect metaphor about teamwork but also about personal responsibilities.

We generate several different applications with typographic exercises, but all of them maintain the same graphic line, either respecting the typographic use or following the defined color palette.
A color palette inspired by the uniforms of some popular teams, accompanied by retro fonts and compositions they complement a friendly graphic style that is easy to approach the audience.

For some support elements, we resort to archive photography, generally old and that represent the bases, whether sports or teamwork, that the brand in general presents.

Finally, some merchandise elements inspired by the world of baseball and vintage collectibles were developed.